Most people make a mistake with promoting a product or service. When they promote a product/service, they expect sales. And rightly so. But you're missing out on the most important aspect of all: that people don't buy when you want to sell. And this is why most of us go bananas in sales and marketing. We decide we want to sell a product or service, and there are no takers. Then of course we blame the recession, we blame our ol' grand aunt Mathilda who cursed us—or whatever. And the point is that you're missing the point.
A crappy turnout for one event can cause the next event to be a super sell out.
Hmmm…how does that work, you ask? Well, you need to look at an event as an ad. When we first started out, our events were um, not so full. And it was gut-wrenching to see just one or two people sign up, when we were expecting a lot more. But imagine our surprise when the courses started really filling up the next time, and the next time. So I'd stumbled on a big secret very early in my career: That I could do a course or sell a product or service, and it didn't matter that no one would buy.
What mattered was that over time, they would buy…
They just bought when they were ready. And that the poorly attended course, or poorly accepted product/service was just an advertisement for sales in the future. Once I realised this I was on cloud nine. Because I could create products, services and courses and not be overly worried how many people turned up. And yes, those days of poor turnouts are long gone. Today most of our courses are overbooked (in fact we have a waiting list for some courses for 2 years from now). And the reason I'm writing this note to you, is simply because I don't want you to get disheartened when your product/service doesn't sell right away.
Remember that in many cases it's just an ad for a future full house!
Thank you so much for this video. It was just what I needed to see/hear today. Discouragement comes easier than sales and this new perspective helps a lot.
I feel better now.
sean, this stuff is great, thanks.