Last week you got a chunky 30-page excerpt of The Brain Audit. This week you can get two short five-minute audio files. These short audios will teach you two very important lessons which you can implement straight away.
What you will learn:
1) What is the difference between ‘The Solution' and ‘Your Solution' ?
2) How to write a tag-line.
There is a deadline though. You have to get it before May 26th, 2012. Then it's gone. So get it right away. 🙂
Either download it, or listen online.
Here are the links: (It may take a few minutes to play)
Solution Vs Your Solution
So what's the reason behind this generosity?
Well I sure want you to see how The Brain Audit can help you in your business. That's the one good reason 🙂
Grazie, con molto apprezzamento.