Kids, these days! They have no sense of respect, no sense of hard work. It's all easy going for them, huh? How do they get these ideas?
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That’s not clueless – that’s efficient! Timothy Ferris would be proud …
I’m sure he would 🙂 But hey, don’t let your kids read this 🙂
Love it! This is my favorite… so far.
Thanks Nicki. Working at it every week 🙂 Appreciate you dropping in.
What a wonderful way to start a conversation…
New to your side but enjoy your incite and humor. Rock on!
Destined to be a classic!
Thank you Sean.
You’re welcome 🙂
Simple and to the point. Very good work, Sean!
Thanks Luis 🙂
Great Idea!
But when the teacher finds they all went to the same outsource… 🙂
Thanks Sean
That’s hilarious! 🙂 And I remember that happening in school when I was a kid. 🙂
Snicker. Four hour *homework* week!!
Thought it would appeal to your sense of humour, Mike 🙂
Funny cartoon Sean. (Except for the use of unnecessary exclamation marks.) The kid looks pretty blase about his deed, which is part of what makes it funny. Reminds me a bit of my own boys.
We cartoonists tend to use exclamations instead of full stops! But well noted 🙂 Thanks Jon.
In the case of the students are usually “crowdsourcing” their homework.
Yup takes all kinds.
did’t understand …
Yup, sorry Calvin. It’s linked to a marketing book called ‘the four hour work week’ that supposedly says you can work for just four hours in a day (oops, week). And one of the big concepts there is to outsource everything. 🙂 Hmmm….
I’m glad you rightly referred to it as a “marketing book”. A lot of people seem to revere it like some sort of Bible of the Good Life 😉
Welllll, those people need to have their heads checked. I’ve never seen any honest business owner ever have a four-hour work week. Ever.
Ha ha! Don’t give my kids any ideas now!
I’m not. Cover their eyes. Don’t let them see this stuff (heh, heh).
Thanks Rick 🙂
Your ‘performance’ in my INBOX over the past 18 months (or so) has been bright, insightful, detailed, inspirational, refreshing and wise…….why not infuse those qualities in to ‘Clueless Cartoons’ ?
Cheers / AVS
Not clear what you mean, AVS 🙁
Those qualities (I think) are missing in these cartoons. Find them too banal, too predicatble. Outsourcing has been around for what – a decade ? and a kid outsourcing his home work is a fairly ‘dated’ possibility – I would have found it funny sometime in 2005 AD or earlier; definitely not in 2011.
Have you read or seen ‘The Four Hour Work Week’? This cartoon is a direct poke in the ribs (or praise for the book) based on that concept. It’s got nothing whatsoever to do with outsourcing. 🙂
I think that parent is ready to import a harder working kid 🙂
Funny and true. There is a successful marketer that outsourced his homework in his college days.
LOL could be why he is so successful today.
Thanks for the cartoon, Sean.
Very appropriate, considering school starts on Monday in Florida!
I love it! Did the kid bother to run it through spinning software to make it unique? If he spins enough copies he could sell them to his classmates 8=)
I’m sure the kid did. Ah, the things these marketers think up…
Excellent, my all-time favourite so far! I’m really enjoying this series Sean. Looking forward to seeing where you take it over time.
Hey, good to hear from you, Brandon. It’s been a long time. 🙂 Trust you’re doing well.
I’m keen to develop stuff over time, and just getting my fangs into this after a long cartoon hibernation. But I have the world’s best cartoon as inspiration: Calvin and Hobbes 🙂
ha ha, very funny Sean………….I like.
This is already happening in INDIA. I get to know the price of each assignment through my daughter.
Now that’s a new one. Indians outsourcing to India. Or are they outsourcing to the US now?
To fellow students who are good at the subject or skill.
I’m still trying to figure out how to have a 40-hour work week…
Exactly. Or why. 😉
Very very funny.
I love the look on the dad’s face….
Kids need to learn delegation skills in school, AND they need to learn compliance skills. Both are useful.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could outsource all our learning? Then I could set out for France next month and be able to speak the language! For a linguistically-challenged person like myself, that would be a major boon.