I remember the seventh time I went to a bowling alley.
I remember it well, because I was consistently knocking down two or three pins. I'd start my run up, let the ball fly and it would angle itself and smash the two or three pins into oblivion. You could say I was the world's expert on knocking down two or three pins.
No matter what I tried, about six pins would still be standing.
Midway through my madness, a stranger gave me some unsolicited advice.
“How about moving two steps to the right”, he said. “That way you can still throw it at an angle but you'll hit more pins”.
I took his advice. Two steps to the right. You know what happened next, right?
Something similar happens when you're starting up an article, webinar or presentation. You put in all the effort into the meat of your content, but the opening seems forced. It's not quite a “gutter ball” but it's not a “strike” either.
So how do you consistently get your client's attention?
It's called the First Fifty Words. Within the First Fifty Words, you should be able to get and then keep their attention, so that you can guide them to the meat of your content.
If you're writing articles on a regular basis, this method of consistently being able to start well, is invaluable. If you're doing a podcast, presentation, webinar or just about any kind of communication, those First Fifty Words are the most important and the most time consuming.
Which is what the First Fifty Words course is about.
It's 8 weeks of intense taking “two steps to the right” in your content creation.
And at the end of 8 weeks, guess what? Every single person on the course will be turning out such amazing starts, that you'll want to steal them all. Except you won't have to, because you'll be able to do it yourself.
You're still reading, aren't you?
It's the First Fifty Words that got you here. And kept you interested.
Here's the link.
How To Instantly Get Your Client's Attention (In Under 30 Seconds)
Warm regards,
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