What Clients Say
Testimonials about courses, workshops and products

“Having Sean as a teacher has just been lovely because he's a real person and he doesn't pretend, which is what a lot of people do.”
Sean is real which is great. If he doesn't know something he'll say he doesn't know it. That's really valuable because an awful lot of teachers will stand at the front and they'll give it the big “I am” and make out that they know absolutely everything in the world.
Sean has stood there and said, “You know what? This is a learning experience for me as well and this is why I'm doing this training because I want to get something out of it too. The more I get out of it the more you'll get out of it.”
That's absolutely true. Having Sean as a teacher has just been lovely because he's a real person and he doesn't pretend, which is what a lot of people do.

” I spent over $20,000 on other books and consultants–with little success.”
I was skeptical that Sean's methods would help me sell professional services (we are an engineering firm). I couldn't see how something called a Brain Audit or 5000bc would make sense for an engineering firm.
So I spent over $20,000 on other books and consultants–with little success.
Sean continued to reach out to me in a helpful manner. Yes, he promoted his services–in a professional manner. So I bought the Brain Audit, then Brain Audit Applications, and joined 5000bc.
I'm glad I did.
You can't imagine the help you'll get from Sean, Renuka, and the “Cave” (you'll have to ask Sean about the Cave). I don't care if you sell professional services or widgets. Sean can help you improve your business.

“Sean is not jealous. He wants you to become just as good as him. I think that is what makes him such a great teacher.”
I stumbled upon Sean’s website, and got to following him for real when the words “non-sleazy marketing” flashed by. Over the years I have taken several of his courses, each time arrogantly thinking: I probably won’t learn anything new, but I will be having fun. Each time I was proven wrong.
In the Article Writing Course Sean convinced all of us that writing to an outline can work. And fast. In the Storytelling workshop he drove home the importance of integrating a roller coaster in your stories.
I have learned most from seeing Sean practise what he preaches. All the time. Contrary to most online teachers, he does not hand you someone else's theory and tells you to apply it – or dump a lot of information on you – instead, he deconstructs his own methods and teaches you exactly what he's learned. Holding back nothing, and guiding you personally each step along the way.
Sean is not jealous. He wants you to become just as good as him. I think that is what makes him such a great teacher. I am sad there really are no more courses for me to follow, for I would gladly take one every year, just in order to see him teach. I learn so much from just observing Sean every time.

“Most sales and marketing courses I took, were full of hype and hard sell, I just couldn’t get myself to write and speak like that.”
I've struggled to sell for the longest time, and this problem affected my copywriting, my marketing strategies, and income. Most sales and marketing courses I took were full of hype and hard selling, I just couldn't get myself to write and speak like that. When I stumbled upon Sean's work at Psychotactics, it was like I found what I've been searching for a long time.
Not only that Sean's not hypey, there's a lot of depth, sincerity and enthusiasm in this work. Whether it's copywriting, productivity, article writing, sales and marketing, Sean gave me very refreshing perspectives and practical skills. Yes, Sean and Psychotactics is not just about sales and marketing.
It's about how to become a well-rounded and happy business person. I've since taken four courses (in-a-row) with Sean and Psychotactics: article writing, headlines, cartooning and first 50 words. I'm looking forward to the upcoming landing page workshop, live in Singapore.
The key thing is this: Sean really gives you a skill. Not just intellectual fascination or concepts. I can now write 1000-word articles in as fast as 3.5 hours; my weekly productivity has increased so much that I feel more at ease with producing good work; compared to before when I struggled and procrastinated just to write good content.
Lastly, Sean and Renuka are very nice and beautiful people. They make time to connect, they talk to me and my family. They never treated me like an online customer behind a computer, but as a real human being. I felt there's just so much love in these people. I would not hesitate to sign up for their courses and books. Looking forward to more! Thanks Sean and Renuka! I'm very very grateful to have met you both!

“I actually hesitated buying The Brain Audit for a year”.
It's very easy for me to write a recommendation of Sean because I've been writing them all year long to clients and colleagues. So all I had to do was go back into my email and find all the stuff I've already been saying about him. Sean's “The Brain Audit” ebook is definitely the best copywriting book I've ever read. It's amazing. Worth every penny (but really ten times as much).
I actually hesitated buying The Brain Audit for a year because I was worried the sales page copy would turn out to be the best thing about the book. Kind of like when a preview for the movie is better than the movie itself? Not the case at all here. I highly recommend The Brain Audit to everyone who ever needs to sell anything. It's really easy to digest and will help you easily develop a structure for your sales page. I've gotten SO much value from it–both for my own business and for my clients' businesses. In fact, I have considered just buying a copy for every new client so I don't have to educate them! I also really liked the bonus mp3. Sean is a very likeable, natural, engaging speaker. Easy to relate to. I like him + his material very much! Definitely the real deal.

“Sean is a very patient teacher, but always in control.”
Sean as a teacher? He's very patient and empathetic with the people there, but also very authoritative. He keeps control of the whole process and has thought many steps ahead. He knows what you are going to do wrong and is prepared for tha, and has the skill to pace himself and pace the group and not run ahead.
Like when we were telling stories in the beginning, we were going too fast. You can do that as a trainer as well. You want to get so much value; find exactly the right pace for the group that they can actually internalise the skills that they get the time to do that and repeat, and repeat, and repeat. I would say a very generous teacher.

“I was pretty skeptical about spending money on the membership site at 5000bc.com”
I know Sean D'Souza from his newsletter and from his membership site for business owners, 5000bc.com. I was pretty skeptical about signing up for 5000bc.com when I first found out about it, because I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on a forum filled with people trying to promote themselves.
I'm glad I took the plunge, though. The forum is nothing like what I expected. It's inspiring and helpful, and a bargain for the value received.
Sean attracts a very interesting and diverse group of people, all of whom seem to share his guiding ethos of caring and generosity. Not to mention the fact that Sean is there every day providing marketing, business-building, and creative advice. It's been a real help to me in finding focus and building systems for my business.

“A Psychotactics workshop is like taking a warm bath on a chilly day”
“Signing up for a workshop with Sean is not signing up for just another dull, tiresome workshop. It’s like taking a warm bath on a chilly day, as you will find yourself immediately surrounded by new friends, great food and – last but not least – a very inspiring teacher.
During workshops, Sean tirelessly does everything in his power to make sure that you master new, important skills and have a great time while doing so. On top of that, time and time again Sean succeeds in dissecting new success-factors in marketing and writing. He readily shares all his freshly acquired knowledge through helpful conversations, discussions, stories, articles, reports and books.
So, if by any chance you are one of these unlucky people who can’t make it to the workshops, you definitely should read—and apply— Sean’s writings on marketing, sales or copywriting. But a warning is in order: devouring Sean’s books is highly addictive, just like the boost they will give to you and your business. Buy them at your own risk! ”
Testimonials from live workshops

“Then I realized – this skill – this singular skill is the difference between making a ton of money and just some money. Not because it is about the money, but about my ability to help people.:
I bought the pricing bundle from Ben Settle. I follow him, not because I'm a copywriter but because I like his business model.
That set has changed my entire business. I help homeschooling parents teach algebra to kindergartners using Cuisenaire rods. I do what we call “cognition before content”, where how we teach is directed at developing the child's cognitive skills.
The problem is/was – consumption. It was the developer's problem and mine. I fire-hosed everyone without realizing it.
I went through your stuff. Then I noted how I teach when tutoring and everything happening in my head. A brain dump – if you will. What path do I take students on, and what do I keep in the back of my mind?
Then using your ideas, I made a path through the mire. Something I didn't think possible. Then, I created a couple of pieces of content, posted them on my FB group, and sent them out through email. The feedback has been astounding. I put on a single sheet the minimum amount of information a parent needs to be successful in leading a child through a lesson. Then I linked it back to a fuller discussion of the concepts if the parent wants to know more. But they don't need that information to be successful, they just need the information right in front of them.
Then I realized – this skill – this singular skill is the difference between making a ton of money and just some money. Not because it is about the money, but about my ability to help people. That is what I'm getting paid for. I'm not getting paid for the concept – but for making it ready to consume.
I am reworking all of my courses. I'm breaking them into smaller courses, and I'll be selling them for the same amount of money. And I have a list of new courses to create with the 1 – thing in mind.
You have rocked my world. I love what I do. I would do it for free. I love it even more now.
Thank you.

“Online marketers are all crooks. Too many people promising a quick buck and dubious ‘blueprints' for success'. And that's what I thought before I found Sean.”
Sean's approach is quite different. Sean's power comes from doing the opposite: he slows everything down to almost zero. There's a pause, rewind, relearn approach. This means you truly learn (and not just think that you've learned). And once you've nailed a skill properly, you can speed up again and do far more than you'd imagined. And if you screw up again, you'll know why. And he's always there to help out.
I work in Marketing and have done for a number of years, so I was wondering “what does this one guy in New Zealand know more about than a lot of leading Marketers in London?” And the answer is a lot. I've learned more from Sean in 20 months than I have in 11 years working for ad agencies. Sean goes deeper into a topic than anyone I've met. He is always willing to adapt and refresh his approach, and nothing is rehashed. He's evolving – and at a faster rate than anyone I've met in the field. My question now is ‘can anyone catch him up?'

“You are a safe harbor in a world of manipulative bloodless money-grubbing marketers”
What I LOVE about 5000bc is you and Renuka living your message, and always reminding us that it’s about serving the customer in the most natural and effective way possible.
You are a safe harbor in a world of manipulative, bloodless, money-grubbing marketers, which is why I was so relieved to find you both and why I will always return to you.
I may be away for a while (that thing called life has detoured me for a bit), but like my Laphroaig Scotch, once you’ve tasted “home” there is really no going anywhere else.