It’s clearly impossible to avoid using a phone. Which is why software seems to come to the rescue. However, the way to avoid the phone (at least once a week) is simpler than you’d think. What’s more, the habit grows. You start avoiding the phone more than you’d expect. How is it all done? Let’s […]
Time Management Strategies and Tactics: Archives—Psychotactics
Learn How To Manage Your Time As A Small Business Owner. Tips and ideas on how to manage your time effectively and efficiently.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
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How Do You Manage Everything? – Part 1
Podcasts, membership site, cartoons, photography, Whatsapp—the list goes on and on. And it’s puzzling to clients how I (Sean) manage so much. Well, there are bound to be some principles. Here are just four of them, and we cover two of them in this first episode. Right click to save this episode. Principle 1: Getting […]
The Concept Of Bandwidth: How To Control The “Uncontrollable” Of Chaos
On any given day we will have some amount of chaos. And someday the chaos is just looking outside the door, but other days it forces its way through with an intensity that’s hard to control. It seems like we are always juggling too many things, but there is a method where we can manage […]
How Planning Gets Quickly Derailed (When You Don’t Have A Stop-Doing List)
At the start of the year, it’s almost natural to want to wipe the slate clean and start doing something new. We create goals, we set deadlines and hope like crazy that things will work out well. The part we consistently forget is the “stop-doing” bit. The very same issues that have been a pain […]
The Paradox of Motivation and Burnout (And Where To Draw the Line)
Some days, you can’t get yourself motivated. Yet on other days, you’re working so hard that you’re frying up much too quickly. How do you keep a balance between getting yourself motivated and still not tipping over to the other side? Right click below to save this episode. Re-release: The Paradox of Motivation and Burnout […]
Chaotic Week? How To Use The Goldilocks Method To Get Things Back On Track
Some days seem to start not on Monday, but Wednesday. You fully intended to get your planning going, but something got in the way and it looks like the week is slipping away from you. What do you do to arrest this slide? We bring Goldilocks to the rescue—that’s what we do. Weird weeks show […]
The Real Goal Of Productivity (And How it Helps You Waste More Time)
Most people tend to tell you to be more productive. Sales need to be doubled, you somehow aren’t satisfied with the client numbers, and need a lot more. In short, it’s this endless race towards a rather nutty goal. Instead, how about a goal that allows you to waste more time? That throws you back […]
How To Recalibrate Your Life’s Priorities (Despite The Unending Torrent Of Work)
Do you find yourself loving your work, but knowing that you’re getting a bit one-dimensional? You work, then work, then work some more. And when others around you protest that you’re working, you say, “But I love my work” or “I’m not working that much”. You find yourself justifying the importance of the work, both […]
Coolest Transcription Service (That Even Detects Punctuation)
(Note: This is an automated transcript of the podcast. Therefore you might find few errors in it.) What is the biggest headache with transcription? Well, there are many, aren’t there? Errors bug me no end, and they seem to make a lot of them. There’s also the cost, the turnaround time and other issues. But […]
The Concept Of No Time
When I hear this phrase, I smile. If you have no time all the time, you’re doing something wrong. It’s about efficiency. If you do something in 2 hours and it should take 30 minutes, then you have no time. There’s a factor of efficiency. Too many of us are too slow, and much too […]