Cartoon drawn by cartoonist Keira Menon Giving a presentation is often nerve wracking. You know you need to relax but you are driving yourself up the wall. How do you calm your nerves before a presentation? The usual way to solve the problem seems to be that you need to practise more. You practise, practise, […]
Speaking Secrets: How To Maximise The Impact Of Your Speaking Event: Archives—Psychotactics
If you are a speaker, presenter or conduct workshops, this section will help you understand your audience better. Learn... How To Get Maximum Impact From Your Speaking Engagements and more speaking secrets.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
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Why You Freeze When You Speak In Public
In the year 1990, Jerry Seinfeld said something interesting. He said: “Surveys show that the #1 fear of Americans is public speaking. #2 is death. Death is #2. That means that at a funeral, the average American would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy”. And almost immediately everyone took this statement to […]
How To Get People To Introduce Themselves At A Workshop
When you think about it, why would you get your audience to introduce themselves? When you think of pet hates, introducing oneself at a workshop is easily one of the most hated of all activities. So why bother getting the audience members to introduce themselves? Or you could take a totally different route, and avoid the […]
Why You Should Not Repeat What’s On The Slides
You know those presenters who read out from slides? You know how you detest them? Well there’s a reason. And it comes all the way from Hollywood The Hollywood saying goes like this: If the scene shows you what the scene is supposed to show you, you’re in deep shit. What does that mean? If […]
Public Speaking: Why It Can Torment You Forever (If You Let It)!
Have you ever been to a primary school play? There they are, all the kids, all keen to play their part. And then one kid forgets his part He stands there dumbfounded. Unable to speak. Frozen in fear. The words seemingly circulating in his brain somewhere. I was that kid! Except I wasn’t five years […]
Why Variation Is The Hallmark of Outstanding Presenters
Put on some Bach, Beethoven or Chopin. And listen to the music. What do you hear? You hear variation. The music races madly ahead. Then it stops. It goes softer, then louder. Then at a normal volume once again. And variation isn’t just restricted to classical music. It’s pretty much everywhere you look. In cartoons, […]
How To Set Your Speaking Fees
If you’re Jim Collins, it’s $50,000 per hour. If you’re Bill Clinton, it’s closer to $100,000 per hour. If you’re a best-selling author it’s $20,000 per hour. If you’re an average author it’s $5000-12,000 per hour. If you’re not that well known it’s still $2000-5000. And there’s everything below that fee. The question does arise: […]
How To Get Audiences To Speak On A Teleclass
You’ve just finished your teleclass and you’re moving on to question stage. And then comes the moment that you think you’ll be flooded with questions, so you ask, “What questions would you like to ask me today?” And all you hear is the chilly wind of silence. So how do you get the audience to […]
The Importance of a Safe Zone
Manhattan, New York isn’t a scary place. And yet, as I stepped out of the subway into a sea of people, I was intimidated. I wasn’t sure where to go. Or what to do next. I was completely out of my safe-zone. I’d gone from a country of 4 million people (and a zillion sheep), […]
Can you avoid wearing that Darth Vader suit in future?
I was doing a three-day website strategy workshop in Campbell, California, when one of the participants gave me this piece of feedback. Apparently I was wearing a Darth Vader suit. I looked down at what I was wearing, and all I could see was a perfectly tailored suit. There was nothing Darth Vader about it. […]