Startup Stories: In this two-part series, you will hear about: How the gold star shows up in Psychotactics courses? How we started sending chocolate across the world? Right click to save this episode. Next: Startup Stories: Why We Do What We Do At Psychotactics: Part 2
Psychological Marketing: How To Understand The Business Owner Mindset
Does marketing involve psychology? What is psychological marketing? And how do you use psychology to develop a business mindset?
Running any business involves marketing. However, every business owner has to deal with a whole lot of psychological issues—both business and personal.
The articles below will help you realise you are not alone in business. You will read about:
- The imposter syndrome
- How to deal with overwhelm
- How to find your passion
- How to increase energy
- How to persevere even when you are failing
Next Step
Look at the list of articles below, pick the one that gets your attention and start reading. Every article will help you understand a business owners mindset from a psychological angle.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
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Articles on psychological marketing from Psychotactics
Stories Of Failure (Filos Moments)
Note: This is an automated transcript of the podcast. Therefore you might find few errors in it. You know how you’re told to make lemonade when life hands you lemons? Well, what do you do with overripe bananas? You make Filos! This episode is about the times when we should have given up because the […]
The Stockdale Paradox: The Optimists Or The Pessimists—Who Survives When Chaos Is Rampant?
Are optimists more successful than pessimists? What sort of entrepreneur do well in business? And especially when there is chaos. Imagine you are a prisoner of war. You’re thrown into an isolation space, not just for a week, or month, but for an entire year. All the while you’re being tortured and despair seems to […]
Back To The Future: Why The 2020 Strategy Is A Lot Like 2000
Remember when Google started? Or Amazon? At Psychotactics we started a few years after these giants. It’s perfectly normal to assume that we got in at exactly the right time. But you and I know there’s no right time, and that opportunities are always presenting themselves. Which is why when clients ask: What would you […]
Why “Work For Free” Is A Powerful Strategy To Get Ahead As A Startup Business
When you are starting up should you work for free? The advice about “free vs fee” is clear. Free should be avoided at all costs because you will just be taken advantage of, while others get paid. Yet, this seemingly black and white advice has shades of grey as well. As a startup, payment isn’t […]
The Impostor vs The Beginner Syndrome (And Why They’re Not The Same)
Do you feel like an imposter? Almost all of us feel like impostors from time to time. And we even have an official sounding name for it. But the impostor syndrome is an unfair burden to carry. What if we’re just beginners? And what do real impostors look like anyway? Right click here and ‘save […]
How To Be A Source Of Inspiration To Others
You’d think you’d need to be someone great or at least do something wonderful to inspire others. Yet, you’re a source of inspiration. How do you inspire? It’s remarkably simple —and here’s a short piece on how you need to go about it. Right click below to download this episode Re-release: How To Be A […]
Can We Really Systemise Luck? (Or Do We Continue To Depend Upon Hard Work)
Luck it seems, is fickle? Or is it? How come some people are lucky (or as the case may be, unlucky) all the while. There is indeed a system and it may be off a bit, like weather forecasting, but by and large it’s quite predictable. Let’s dump the “hard, hard, hard work” mantra for […]
Hard Work Vs Luck: Which One Is More Dependable?
If you reached the top of your game, would you credit it to hard work or luck? Most of us quite easily slide into crediting our success to hard work. But what if hard work isn’t necessary? What if we’ve been slogging for no good reason at all? Let’s find out more in Episode 1 […]
How To Overcome The Impostor Syndrome (By Understanding The Psychology Of How It Works)
Many, if not most of us, have already experienced what it seems like to be a fraud in our mind. Still we can’t seem to shake the impostor syndrome. But what if we understood how the psychology works? Find out the twin factors ramming into you and me, and how we can avoid feeling like […]