Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Felix the cat wasn’t invited to breakfast. But he sure as hell was creating a ruckus as we sat down to our bacon, eggs and steaming coffee on a lazy summer’s Sunday. You see, Felix wanted bacon. As a kitten, Felix had been given tiny scraps of […]
Psychological Marketing: How To Understand The Business Owner Mindset
Does marketing involve psychology? What is psychological marketing? And how do you use psychology to develop a business mindset?
Running any business involves marketing. However, every business owner has to deal with a whole lot of psychological issues—both business and personal.
The articles below will help you realise you are not alone in business. You will read about:
- The imposter syndrome
- How to deal with overwhelm
- How to find your passion
- How to increase energy
- How to persevere even when you are failing
Next Step
Look at the list of articles below, pick the one that gets your attention and start reading. Every article will help you understand a business owners mindset from a psychological angle.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Oh and before I go—If you haven't yet subscribed:
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Articles on psychological marketing from Psychotactics
Why Customers Buy And Still Leave Shortly After
You’re at Emile’s This isn’t just a restaurant. It’s Emile’s on 545 South, 2nd Street. You’ve been dying to get to this restaurant forever. You’ve read all the glowing reviews. The food they say, is ‘exquiseet.’ The wine is straight out of Wine-Spectator’s award winning wine list. You’re smacking your lips. This is the moment […]
Is There Too Much Sugar In Your Testimonials?
Take a cup of hot, steaming coffee. Add one spoon of sugar. Add another spoon of sugar. Then just for good measure, add three more spoons (yes, of sugar) Now drink the coffee Now, now, no ‘yuck’ from you. I know the coffee is sickeningly sweet. And that coffee is headed straight for the drain […]
The Simplest Benchmark of Success
Two people There are two kinds of people on the planet. Those who make excuses. And those who don’t. The ones who make excuses don’t start that way No one is ‘born talented’ at making excuses. But over the years they learn to get out of things. They learn how to blame the weather, their […]
So what if you give most of it away?: The Bikini Concept
The other day I was on a call, and I literally gave the listeners all the steps in the Brain Audit. And the more I gave, the more they were keen to buy the product. This kinda took me by surprise I’ve long been under the impression, that if you give away all the steps […]
Three Core Elements To Successfully Launch A Product Or Service
In the year 2010, Apple Inc, released a product. “This product is doomed to fail”, said a lot of the experts. After all the type of product had been introduced time and time again, and had never ever succeeded. That product was a tablet device, which we now know as an iPad. And yet the […]
How to Avoid the Biggest Minefield in Consulting
I went for guitar classes when I was about 20. My dad owned a guitar. But I refused to borrow his, and went out and bought my own. I thought it would make me more committed. For four months, I plonked away at the strings, and then one day, I quit. In effect, my guitar […]
How To Get 400 Additional Hours of Learning Every Year
Imagine I told you I could give you 400 hours of time. Time you could spend doing nothing but learning. Learning a new skill. Or getting relevant information. But where could you get 400 hours of undisturbed time? In your car,that’s where! Take the time to learn while you’re on the road, rather than just […]
Five Reasons Why Newsletters Fail To Get Response
Five reasons? There may be seven thousand reasons why your newsletter may not get a response. And the key lies in the word “response” itself. Most people don’t have a darned clue what “response” means. When someone says, “I am getting no response”, do they mean: 1) I am not able to sell enough products […]
Why Skill Upgrades Are Not A Luxury
Surely you’ve heard of the phrase regarding lousy carpenters. And lousier tools. It runs like this: A bad carpenter blames his tools. Well I agree. And I disagree. A great set of tools are useless, even dangerous in the hands of an amateur. But on the other hand, a great carpenter should never suffer with […]