There are times when you need to introduce yourself, such as for a personal website, social media profile, or professional bio. That’s where you and I often get stuck. We were told not to keep praising ourselves, and yet, without listing our achievements, how are we supposed to create an aura of expertise? The answer is […]
Presentation Techniques: How To Create Riveting Presentations Online
How do you create a presentation that gets your clients attention?
How do you create an elevator speech? Are there different types of presentations? Is there a system to making good presentations?
In this section, you will learn about:
- Why You Should Avoid Catering Your Presentation To A Specific Audience
- How To Avoid Time Overruns When Making A Presentation –
- Public Speaking: Why It Can Torment You Forever (If You Let It)!
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
In ten minutes (or less) you’ll learn how to systematically build a headline that works. You will find it at the end of every article.
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How To Turn An Average Elevator Pitch Into One That Gets Consistent Attention
What do you say in an elevator pitch? Does your elevator pitch fall flat every time? Almost all of us will be asked, “what do you do?” And despite having to answer this question frequently, we struggle to create a powerful sense of curiosity with our answer. In short, the elevator pitch seems to fall […]
The Man In The Jungle Method
Imagine it’s a hot day and you’re longing for some ice-cream I give it you. You’re about to lick it. But then it gets snatched away from you. You don’t need to be told what happens next, right? And that’s because your brain has already gotten the “reward”. Hundreds of milliseconds before you even licked […]
Why You Should Avoid Catering Your Presentation To A Specific Audience
I once stood up before a bunch of insurance company sales people. My brief was simple: I was supposed to get them to understand why customers buy and why they don’t. In other words, I could have simply done my presentation on The Brain Audit, and be done with it. But no, I wanted to […]
Announcing! BlackBelt Presentations Series: How To Make Your Presentations Come Alive
When you make a presentation, wouldn’t it be amazing to completely control the room–without turning anyone off? Wouldn’t you like to create a presentations that enthrall, hold and move an audience to action? So what causes presentations to come alive? There are three core components to presentations: 1) Design control. 2) Delivery control. 3) Event control. […]
Why I Gave Up Video (And Why I’m Back)
I didn’t give up video. I just got busy. You know how it is, right? You want to do something and then you make this grand list. Then you do a bit of it. And you do some more. And some more. And you get results. And then you do a spectacularly stupid thing. You […]
Free vs Paid Seminars—Which One Is Better?
Around the year 2006, we used to have free seminars. Monthly. We had room for 40 people And 40 people would show up. Every single time. Not always the same 40 people, but the room was always full. The interesting thing about these seminars, is that we weren’t selling anything We weren’t upselling anything. We […]
How To Get People To Introduce Themselves At A Workshop
When you think about it, why would you get your audience to introduce themselves? When you think of pet hates, introducing oneself at a workshop is easily one of the most hated of all activities. So why bother getting the audience members to introduce themselves? Or you could take a totally different route, and avoid the […]
Why You Should Not Repeat What’s On The Slides
You know those presenters who read out from slides? You know how you detest them? Well there’s a reason. And it comes all the way from Hollywood The Hollywood saying goes like this: If the scene shows you what the scene is supposed to show you, you’re in deep shit. What does that mean? If […]
Public Speaking: Why It Can Torment You Forever (If You Let It)!
Have you ever been to a primary school play? There they are, all the kids, all keen to play their part. And then one kid forgets his part He stands there dumbfounded. Unable to speak. Frozen in fear. The words seemingly circulating in his brain somewhere. I was that kid! Except I wasn’t five years […]