Do you pre-sell if your audience is away on vacation? Should you pre-sell if you’re unsure of a full house? These and other questions are answered in this article on pre-sell. Right click to save this episode. What if the pre-sell falls flat? One of the most-repeated stories I tell is about the article writing […]
Pre-Sell Strategies: How to Pre-sell Your Products and Services—Psychotactics
In the year 2009, we tried selling our copywriting course.
We gave away a ton of goodies, marketed it for weeks, and guess what? Even though we had a pretty large list and a rock-solid reputation, we sold just four seats.
Four seats?
Yup, just four.
And yet when we ran the very same course in 2013, every single seat was taken in under 25 minutes.
Sounds like a fluke?
• Every workshop since 2009 has sold out in record time (often in under a week).
• Every course since 2009 has sold out in less than 48 hours.
• Products that didn't move at all for weeks, flew off the shelf (yup, since 2009).
Something happened in 2009, right?
That something is called Pre-Sell
It's the understanding of how to get your customers to buy, long before they pay. And no matter whether you're selling products, services or training, the concepts still apply.
And we've not had to sell our soul to get results
If you look around you'll see that you're told to do more joint ventures, do more advertising, spend a bundle on AdWords, Facebook marketing etc. The louder you scream, it seems, the better the chances that you'll get results.
And we've gone a lot quieter. Most of the above results were achieved with a tiny group.
Now you can learn what we figured out in the year 2009. You too, can learn how to pre-sell a product/service. And you don't need all that hype or a big audience to get results. These strategies have been tested and have been proven to work every time. And yes, even today.
Next Step
Look at the list of articles below, pick the one that gets your attention and start reading. Every article will show you how to implement one element of pre-sell without the hype.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. How do you sell your products time and time again?
Click here to read the 26-page free booklet that show you the five stages of pre-sell.
P.P.S. Oh and before I go—If you haven't yet subscribed:
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Articles on pre-sell from Psychotactics
Pre-Sell Strategy: How To Strategically Tackle Promotion Of Products and Services
Which product should you pre-sell? Should it be the $20 product or the $2000 one? And why do silos matter so much? In this article we not only learn why the $20 product might matter more, but also how you can promote a product almost endlessly without ever promoting it all. Right click below to […]
How Pre-sell Plays A Crucial Role In Risk-Reduction
Why do clients hesitate like crazy when they are about to buy? Risk doesn’t just come in one flavour, yet The Brain Audit takes away a ton of that risk. In this article on pre-sell, we take a forensic look at what happens when you release a new version of your product or service. Is […]
How A 3-Step Pre-Sell Creates Product Irresistibility
The landing page is the event but what comes before? Your landing or sales page is how you introduce your product or serve to your customers. But what is the event that comes before? When you’re so focused on a sales page, it’s easy to forget that the sales page/landing page is just one tiny step in the whole […]
Why Failure Is Just A Pre-Sell For Success
Think of a band that has released 18 number one albums, 18 number one singles and has sold between 150 million-300 million albums and are now in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A band called “Queen”. A band that only gained international success with their third album. Third? Whatever happened to the first […]
The Importance of Time In Pre-Selling
I remember Sydney, AustraliaI was probably ten years old and my father had all of these travel brochures. But of all the places on the planet, I loved the picture of the Sydney Opera House. I remember the pink, purple skies offsetting the pale white of the Opera House. And nineteen years later I stepped […]
How Pre-Sell Sold The Article Writing Course In Fewer than 24 Hours
A client wrote to me and told me that he was amazed that we’d managed to sell an extremely high-priced course in a matter of 24 hours. He was curious. How is it possible to sell a course in fewer than 24 hours when the price tag is well over $2000? And here’s what […]
Pre-Sell: How To Sell Something That Doesn’t Exist
Not one of us has ever been able to check in to our local airport, get on a rocket and zoom into outer space. Well, not yet at least. So for all practical reasons, the product/service doesn’t exist. But that doesn’t stop people from signing up to be on the first space flight. So how […]
Why Pre-Selling Products Is A Sound Marketing Strategy!
It’s the centre court at Wimbledon. The big digital Rolex scorekeeper is blank.No linesperson peering whether the ball is in or out.No umpire somberly saying,”Quiet please,”And no, Maria Sharapova isn’t doing a practice run either. Heck, we’ve arrived at Wimbledon centre court a month too early Yes, we have. But those empty seats you see, […]