You’re about halfway through your speaking engagement, all fired up, and then it happens… Someone in the audience wants to ask a question. This question, basic as it may be, kills your rhythm. It distracts the flow of the information for the rest of the audience. And worse, it opens a floodgate of questions. Before […]
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
In ten minutes (or less) you’ll learn how to systematically build a headline that works. You will find it at the end of every article.
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The Tuna Sandwich Principle
There’s this story of Calvin and Hobbes. And how Calvin is drawing up his list for Santa Claus. At which point, Calvin turns to Hobbes and says: What would you like for Christmas? And Hobbes says: I’d like a tuna sandwich. Of course, Calvin freaks out. Because he’s got a list a mile long. A […]
Why Strategic Alliances Fall Flat
So you’ve just contacted a strategic alliance. You sent out a magnificent letter; or email; or just had a meeting. What’s the next logical step? Why it’s to get on with the job, right? But that’s not the way a relationship works. You may want to romp around with an alliance right after your first […]
How To Write Email Signatures That Attract Customers
If you’ve sent out an email, you’re more than likely to have sent out an email signature. An email signature is simply the text that’s at the bottom of every email you send out. And you may not have thought a lot about modifying that signature, but hey, if you do, that single signature alone […]
Why We Get Writer’s Block
Have you wondered why you get Writer’s Block? And what Writer’s Block has to do with fire-drills and 800-pound gorillas? Let’s start with the fire-drill, shall we? The reason why you had a fire-drill in school or at an office, isn’t because the organisation likes making you run out of the building, and onto the […]
Chaos Time: Why Our Planning Goes Nuts
So maybe you don’t have a massive to-do list. And maybe you do. What you most certainly don’t have is time set aside for chaos. So what’s ‘time for chaos?’ Every single day as we are ‘getting things done’, we almost always run into downtime. This includes us having to put out an emergency, or […]
How To Create A Sticky Information Product
There are sticky books. And crappy books. Sticky audio. And crappy audio. Sticky TV series. And crappy TV series. So what makes one better than the other? Not surprisingly, it’s the unifying theme. So what’s a unifying theme? And how can you can make your information product (whether it be a report/book/audio series etc.) better? […]