Is multitasking a skill? And is it good for a small business owner? Let’s find out. When I was in school, I’d often do algebra while listening to music playing in the background. And at that point, I was scoring almost perfect scores on my algebra tests and exams. In effect, I was multitasking. So […]
Learning Strategies: How To Retain What We Learn—Psychotactics
Is there a way to improve your small business marketing? What learning strategies can a business use to stand out?
At Psychotactics we spend a lot of time planning our year. Education and learning play a significant role in all our projects. Over the years, we have developed a few learning strategies that you can use to ramp up your learning and in turn, your small business.
In the articles below, you will learn:
- What learning strategies you can use for your small business to grow
- Learning Techniques to retain what you learn
- Quirky learning strategies for small business
- The value of knowledge retention in business
- How to accelerate learning with proper planning.
Next Step
Look at the list of articles below, pick the one that gets your attention and start reading. Every article will give you one actionable learning strategy.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
In ten minutes (or less) you’ll learn how to systematically build a headline that works. You will find it at the end of every article.
P.P.S. Oh and before I go—If you haven't yet subscribed:
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Creating A Style Of Your Own: Why It’s So Hard (And Easy)
If you were to look at Picasso’s work, you could spot it anywhere. If you were to listen to Sting’s music, you’d know it was Sting. If you were to read Dan Brown’s book, you’d know it was Dan. So how come these folks have a style, and you don’t? How do you create your […]
Why Learning A New Skill Is Like Having A Baby
Imagine you just had a baby. And that baby demanded your attention. At 3am. At 6am. At 9am. What are you going to do? Are you simply going to turn back the clock? Or tend to the baby? Do you need to learn a new skill? If you speak to parents of newborns they are […]
Why Stevie Wonder Doesn’t Learn By Reading
Have you ever considered how some people say they learn quicker by reading than audio? Have you ever considered Stevie Wonder’s plight? Ah, but that’s not the question The question is: Can Stevie Wonder learn faster than you? Well, I wish it were a pat answer, but it’s not. It depends on various factors including […]
The Importance of the ‘Critical Learning Period’
You may think your brain is all hardwired. And that you’re supremely suited for learning. But in fact, your brain is incredibly at the mercy of the sound environment. And the reason for being at the mercy of sound is because most of our early references as children are purely based on sound. This early […]
The Neuron Dance: How We Get Ideas
Have you ever seen fairy lights on a Christmas tree? Each bulb is connected to each other. Yet if one bulb fuses… The next one seems to fail. And then the chain seems to break. So if you started out with five hundred lights on your Christmas tree, the failure of one bulb could take […]