Where do I start? That’s the question that seems to be louder than any other question when it comes to setting up a business. And while it’s a valid point, it’s not just the mechanics of starting up that matter—but also the psychology. Presenting the Psychology and Strategy of Starting Up (A five-part series) Session 1: […]
Internet Marketing: How To Build A Successful Digital Marketing Business—Psychotactics
How do you start an internet marketing business without being pushy? What are the strategies and tactics that can help you build a successful internet marketing company?
When you are starting up your internet business, you have many marketing questions. And then you start to look online for answers. What you hear repeatedly is—Internet Marketing is about hustle, push-strategy, sell more, etc.
But you want to be a good online market. Can you really do that without being sleazy?
The answer is yes, you can. What you will find in this section are ways to build your internet business one-step at a time. You will find strategies to get and keep clients coming back.
You will learn about:
- How to write newsletters for your internet marketing business
- The psychology of starting up (And how you don't need to be pushy)
- How to create an addictive marketing business model on the internet
- How to attract the customers you want (without the hype)
- How to grow your subscriber list (And can you fast track it)?
Next Step:
Look at the list of articles below, pick the one that gets your attention and start reading. I would recommend you start with—Why "Elegance" Not "Information" Creates An Addictive Business Model.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
In ten minutes (or less) you’ll learn how to systematically build a headline that works. You will find it at the end of every article.
P.P.S. Oh and before I go—If you haven't yet subscribed:
Here are the links to get all the Psychotactics articles, goodies and podcasts automatically.
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Why “Elegance” Not “Information” Creates An Addictive Business Model
Why do some books, courses or workshops end up becoming so addictive? Is it the teacher, the system, the information, or is it all of the above? In this podcast we look at why your business needs a bit of movement through three precise stages. Those stages are information, results and elegance. Elegance is hard […]
Why Selling Your Secrets To Competition Is A Sound Business Strategy
Competition? That’s the enemy isn’t it? Why would you sell or worse, give the competition your ideas? It doesn’t seem to make sense at all and yet it’s a very solid business strategy—and especially for small business. In this episode, you’ll find three solid reasons why competition can change your life for the better. Right […]
How to get a FREE 30-Page Excerpt of The Brain Audit (Without Even Needing To Fill A Form)
If you’ve always wondered what The Brain Audit was all about. Or if you’ve ever wondered what’s in this book that’s caused thousands of businesses to ‘sell without selling‘, then here’s away to stop wondering. Because you can get a chunky 30 page excerpt of The Brain Audit. And it’s free. You’ll enjoy the cartoons. You’ll […]
Why Bad Testimonials Attract Bad Clients (And How To Avoid It)
Nothing bugs you more than a painful client. A client who hassles you at every step of the way. A client who won’t pay on time. A client who takes up so much of your energy that you get drained. I used to have clients like that And then at some point I stopped getting […]
Positioning: The Difference Between Painkillers and Vitamins
Think about your transaction with Starbucks. You’d think we go there for a coffee, right? But a coffee could be considered a vitamin-kind of business You know how vitamins work, right? You are told to take your vitamins. But you can’t always see the results of all of that pill popping. And you can’t even […]
How To Quickly Get Customers To Consume Your Report (And Come Back For More)
Ever watched a marathon on TV? Yup, I thought so. It’s painful watching while all those folks make their way through the bay, over the bridge and finally to their destination. Instead it’s much easier to watch the 100 metre sprint. It starts, and they’re off. And then nine second later, there’s a finish line in sight. […]
Four Ways To Guarantee The Attention of Strategic Alliances
It must have been the year 2000. I was just starting out in marketing and this well-known speaker/author, Brian Tracy was visiting Auckland. There I was, just one face in about 300 at that event. But I had an advantage. I’d bought a ton of Brian’s stuff–his CDs, cassettes (yes, cassettes) and books. And there […]
Why A Crappy Name Will Bury Your Book/Infoproduct (Yes, Even On The Internet)
The list you see below is the successive names given to a single book. The author tried repeatedly to come up with a great name, but these were the names he came up with—despite putting in a great effort. See if you like any of the names. – The Parts Nobody Knows – To Love and Write […]
Announcing: A book on how to build an online community—even if you have a very small list
Here’s an interesting fact. In fact more than one interesting fact. Fact 1: Why our community earns us between 90-95% of our income At 5000bc, we have had a community since 2003.But that’s not the interesting part. The interesting part is that we earn between 90-95% of our income from that community. And no, it’s […]