July was always the worst month of the year for me! In the years 1997, 1998, 1999, I dreaded July. Because you see, back then I wasn’t in marketing—I was a cartoonist. And somehow in July all the cartooning work mysteriously dried up. The phone would stop ringing. And it would stay dead no matter what […]
How To Deal With Business Overwhelm—Psychotactics
As a small business owner, you are going to feel overwhelmed at some point in your business. You have so much to do. You have to keep up with ever-changing technology and at the same time, upgrade your skill. You are constantly running out of time and energy. The fear of failure sets in, and then you enter the downward overwhelm spiral.
Is there a way to deal with business overwhelm?
In this section, we look at the different elements of overwhelm and how doing simple tasks can help you beat the curse.
You will learn about:
- How to deal with business overwhelm
- How to beat fear when you're self-employed
- How your small business can overwhelm you (and how to get out of the trap)
- How to conquer your fear of starting a business (The Overwhelm Curse)
- How to get unstuck when you are paralysed with fear.
Next Step:
Look at the list of articles below, pick the one that gets your attention and start reading. I would recommend you start with—Three Ways To Deal With Overwhelm.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
In ten minutes (or less) you’ll learn how to systematically build a headline that works. You will find it at the end of every article.
P.P.S. Oh and before I go—If you haven't yet subscribed:
Here are the links to get all the Psychotactics articles, goodies and podcasts automatically.
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Why Profit Is a Poor Indicator of Your Business Worth
Most companies benchmark their business on revenue earned. Which is stupid, eh? I mean revenue means nothing if you don’t benchmark the actual profit. But is it stupid to benchmark profit as well? Yes, it is. Because gross revenues and profit are a nice-to-have but not critical indicator. The most critical indicator in a business […]
Why We Fail: An Understanding of Momentum
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How To Treat A Guest: The Stupidity of Autoresponders
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How To Deal With A Crisis
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How To Remove The Flatness From Your Audio InfoProducts
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The Evil Power of Self-Editing
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The Myth of Web 2.0
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The Difference Between Demand And Waiting Lists
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How Three Levels of Proof Can Convert A Client To Your Way of Thinking
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