The DaVinci Cartooning Course—A whole new world of cartooning. Cartoon drawing online course began on a crazy roller coaster ride. In 6 months will be well on your way to becoming an outstanding cartoonist.
Cartoons Archives: Psychotactics
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Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
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DaVinci Cartooning Course: Learn Cartooning Online
The Da Vinci Cartooning Course registrations are about to begin. The actual online cartooning course with start mid-August. The Da Vinci Cartooning Course was designed in 2010 by Sean D’Souza, and follows the Tiny Increment System of Learning. He started up this course in 2010 to prove a simple point. He believed that skills are […]
Early Bloggers
When did blogging begin? Earlier than you think!
Clueless Cartoon: iPhone Dead?
So my iPhone didn’t exactly die. It just ran out of power. Apparently dropping it didn’t help because it blew up some stuff in the iPhone. I know, I know. It’s just a phone. But I was distraught. After all I use the iPhone for almost everything but a phone. I use it to learn […]
Bats and Coffee: Part 2 + Win A T-Shirt
Remember last week’s cartoon on ‘Why Bats Don’t Drink Coffee?’ Well, one of our subscribers Cesare Ferrari took that situation and created a little tweak—and a punchline of his own. And it’s hilarious! Well, that means Cesare wins a t-shirt from Psychotactics. And you can win too! And you don’t even have to be a […]
Cartoon: Why This Bat Won’t Drink Coffee
So why won’t bats drink coffee? Or rather why does this one bat avoid coffee? Here’s the answer. So how did I go about creating this cartoon? It was a tricky one. I couldn’t work out what to do. And while most cartoons of this nature may take about an hour or so to draw […]
Einstein: Before And After Coffee
Did Einstein drink coffee? Even wondered how coffee could have affected Einstein? Now you no longer have to guess 😉
Pet Hate #359: Arm-Rest Hogs
Don’t you hate those arm-rest hogs when you fly? That’s Pet Hate #359! And what’s the punishment? Why, that’s easy. Find out for yourself. And while you’re here, post your own pet hate and punishment (and maybe it will go into the Pet Hate and Punishment Series).
Clueless Cartoon: The Four Hour Work Week Effect
Kids, these days! They have no sense of respect, no sense of hard work. It’s all easy going for them, huh? How do they get these ideas? Like it? Well don’t be shy: Tweet or Facebook it, or Google+ it If you aren’t already on the ‘Friday cartoon list’ then here’s a link to make […]
Cartoon: One Day In Junior High
Remember how we all wanted to be astronauts and teachers when we grew up? Well that hasn’t changed a lot, but there have been some changes for sure. Have a look below, and be sure to leave your comments. 🙂 Like it? Well don’t be shy: Tweet or Facebook it, or Google+ it 🙂 If […]