Yes, it’s that time of the year again. The registration for the DaVinci Cartoon Course begins! The proof, they say, is in the pudding And this pudding (the Da Vinci Course) has been proven to be amazing to turn anyone, yes anyone, into a solid cartoonist. For the past 4 years, the Cartooning Course has been […]
Psychotactics Events: What's Happening Next
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Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
In ten minutes (or less) you’ll learn how to systematically build a headline that works. You will find it at the end of every article.
P.P.S. Oh and before I go—If you haven't yet subscribed:
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Pre-Sell Free Bonus: Why Sales Pages Aren’t The Answer To Selling
(This offer has expired. You can still get goodies on pre-sell here). The worst way to sell a product is to just create a sales page. Really? Yes, really. Most marketers will tell you that all you really need is a salespage. And they’ll also tell you that you need some amazingcopywriting. And while all […]
Free! A Massive 46-Page Excerpt of the Pre-sell Course
(This bonus has expired. However you can get the lastest pre-sell bonus here) In a small-business owner’s life, there’s a fence. And one side of the fence is about hype, heavy-handedness, push and shove. The other side is about low-key, low-pressure and low-stress. And even with this low-key method, you’re able to sell your product […]
How Pre-sell Helped Reduce Frustration by 75%
Do you know what’s the biggest problem with sales of any kind, whether offline or online, product or service? It’s the fact that the customer is not ready to buy when you’re ready to sell. So there you are with your wonderfully crafted product or service, and while a lot of folks have promised to […]
Announcing: The Pre-Sell of the Pre-Sell Book (Available at an early bird price!)
(This offer has expired. Have a look at the current pre-sell offer here.) ________________________________________ It’s here! The pre-sell of the the pre-sell book. What’s that supposed to mean? Well, the book isn’t ready yet. It’s work in progress. There are pages to be written, cartoons to be drawn, audio to be recorded and tons of little things to be finished before […]
Why Marketing In 2020 is like being in 1920
In 1920, marketing was a chore. People were separated by vast distances. To get any sort of message across was a royal pain. And this is what 2020 looks like as well. There’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Glitter, Mitter and a million methods that are distracting you–and your customer. And with every month that passes, the […]
Announcing! The End of Writer’s Block (The Easy Way)
Way back in the year 2002, I had what you’d call “bad days”. Actually they were worse than bad. They were foul days. These foul days were my “article writing days”. I’d start off cheerily enough I’d be inspired to write an article and would begin. And then something would happen–I’m not sure what. But […]
Announcing! How To Put That Zing-Kapow In Your Articles (With StoryTelling)
Storytelling seems to be the rage these days. And yet, it’s not new at all. It’s been around for thousands of years. What’s more, it’s not even alien to us. Even as a three-year old, you can tell when a story is really cool and when it’s just plain boring. The problem arises when we […]
Announcing: The Cartooning Course + The “First 50 Words” Course
On 12th May, two Psychotactics courses will be launched. You’ll want to read more about these courses, so here goes. 1) The “First 50 Words” Course 2) The DaVinci Cartooning Course 1) The “First 50 Words” Course You know how they say “first impressions count?” Well, they do. They count a heck of a lot. […]
Special Christmas Day Offer: The Brain Audit
You must be a bit of an email-aholic to check email on Christmas day. 🙂 (Yes, yes, I know everyone doesn’t celebrate Christmas). Anyway, there’s no reason why you can’t have some ho, ho, ho cheer! It’s a special Christmas day offer for the Brain Audit. I know you’ve been strongly considering whether or not […]