In the year 2010, Apple Inc, released a product. “This product is doomed to fail”, said a lot of the experts. After all the type of product had been introduced time and time again, and had never ever succeeded. That product was a tablet device, which we now know as an iPad. And yet the […]
Branding Strategies: How To Build A Successful Small Business Brand—Psychotactics
Is branding important for a small business? How do you build a small business brand?
As a small business owner, you often wonder if branding is essential. Do you brand your business,or your product or service? To create a successful brand, you need the elements of positioning and uniqueness.
Is there a way to create a unique brand identity?
In this section, we look at the psychology of branding and how you can use it to create your unique position in the marketplace.
You will learn about:
- How do you amplify your branding
- What is Santa's Marketing strategy (and how you can apply it to your business)
- How to choose the right colour for your brand
- The Mona Lisa branding strategy
- The power of uniqueness in branding your product.
Next Step:
Look at the list of articles below, pick the one that gets your attention and start reading. I would recommend you start with—How To Amplify Your Branding With A Signature Story.
Warm regards
Sean D'Souza
P.S. Don't forget to download your copy of the headline report.
In ten minutes (or less) you’ll learn how to systematically build a headline that works. You will find it at the end of every article.
P.P.S. Oh and before I go—If you haven't yet subscribed:
Here are the links to get all the Psychotactics articles, goodies and podcasts automatically.
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The Importance of the Mona Lisa Concept
There are 380,000 pieces of art in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Of these, well over 35,000 pieces of art are for display at any given point in the gallery complex. Yet, most of the tourists rush past 34,999 pieces of art to see a singular piece of art. A painting that has a dimension […]
Is Brand Extension Possible? The Concept of the Umbrella Brand
Imagine you had five kids. Imagine they were all boys (oh, perish the thought!) Imagine you called them John. As in John, John 2, John 3, John 4, John 5. We’re bordering on the ridiculous here, aren’t we? I mean this naming convention you’d never consider in a squillion years. But what if you do […]
How To Choose The Right Colour For Your Brand
Here’s a simple exercise. Go to the mall. Pick up a box of Pringle’s potato chips for me, will ya? But when you get back to your home, you find something strange. The pack doesn’t say Pringle’s. It says Jingles. And someone has misspelled the word ‘chips’ and spelt it as ‘chops’. So instead of […]
How To Amplify Your Branding With A Signature Story
Superman lay writhing on the valley floor, the energy being drained from his body with every passing minute. Above Superman, towered the evil face of Lex Luthor. In Lex’s hand, was a rock-a a green rock that wasn’t from our planet. The rock would enable Lex to get rid of his arch-nemesis, Superman, once and […]
The Fundamental Flaw in Creating Your Uniqueness (USP)
Say cheese,” says the person behind the camera. And you say cheese. Your facial muscles are frozen. You have a dumb, goofy look. And under your breath you’re muttering, “C’mon Take the picture, take the picture, c’monnnn!” Click! You blink. The picture’s been taken. And then the photographer runs across to you, all excited to […]
Can Harley Davidson’s Secret Weapon Revitalise Your Marketing?
Imagine yourself in a helicopter over Milwaukee, USA, on the shiny morning of June 13, 1998. You look down casually on the criscrossing tangle of roads on Interstate 94, and then do a doubletake. You can’t believe your eyes. It seems like there are hundreds of moving objects on the highway below. Maybe even thousands. […]
How To Create The Accidental Evangelist
Phil doesn’t really care about American Express. Why should he care? I mean it’s just a credit card after all. Sure it’s got a few benefits and features and stuff that other credit cards don’t have, but that’s not enough to make Phil yodel about American Express. Yet recently, Phil’s been yodelling Suddenly, Phil’s become […]
How To Duplicate Ebay’s Stickiness Factor In Your Small Business
It must have been 6:58 pm on Thursday, June 10, 1999. Without warning, Ebay’s site went down. But no one at Ebay broke into a sweat. Back in 1999, Ebay had been down on May 5 (for five hours), on May 20 (for seven hours). And on June 9, after Ebay’s site redesign, the server […]
Why Santa’s Marketing Works Better Than Yours!
Santa Claus Inc. is well and profitable, right through recessions, depressions and just about any economic scenario. The reason why his marketing strategies work better than yours, is because he uses solid, dyed-in-the-wool psychology. He knows he doesn’t have to use new fangled techniques, when his simple marketing has stood the test of time. If […]