It might seem obvious, right?
Not all women buy size 5 shoes. I mean why would they? Not everyone's size is 5.
It's probably 6. Or 4. Or 7. Or 17 🙂
And Size 5 shoes just don't fit.
So even if she got the best discount…
The best quality; the best variety; the softest, most comfortable shoes ever. A sane woman still won't consider buying the shoes for herself. And surely I don't have to explain the reason why.
You're not the right target audience
All the lah-dee-dah in the world won't get a woman to wear those shoes. And frankly, all the lah-dee-dah on your marketing and sales, won't get your target audience to buy your product.
In effect you're wasting your time.
No matter, how much you try to get your target audience into a wrong size shoe, it just won't work. You'll think your marketing strategy is working. You'll hope that it's working, but hey, it's time to wake up and smell the leather.
And focus on the right type of customer.
So how do you find the right type?
So far, when choosing a target audience, all you've been told to do, is pick the demographics. So what are demographics? Demographics are when you classify groups of people into clumps like, ‘Thirty something, female, two kids' etc.
And then there are Psychographics
Psychographics are when you classify an audience by the problem that audience is facing. So what problem do women with size 5 feet have? You got it. They don't quite get the variety when they look for shoes. They get fewer styles. They don't get the right look. The list goes on and on and on.
So first identify the audience's problem
Aha, we're in a catch 22 situation, aren't we? If we don't have a somewhat clearer picture of our audience, how on earth are you going to understand what their problem really is? If all you're going to do is open up a shoe shop and throw it open to every woman out there, then prepare to fight price-battles. Prepare to see downturns. Prepare for frustration and tension.
Or instead choose a target audience
Like Helen Wilcocks did. Her site at draws customers from all over New Zealand (and probably beyond). She's based in Wellington, and every time she rolls into Auckland or some other city, I'd suggest you get out of the way as dozens of petite feet clamber to get great looking petite shoes.
And horrors, Feet Petite doesn't even have a bricks and mortar store!
They're strictly mail order. Or Internet order. Makes you think, doesn't it? That a business with a specific target audience can cut through the clutter more effectively without little or no advertising, and strictly through word of mouth, simply because it targets a very specific target audience.
It's that time again
Yes, to audit your message. To work towards a specific niche market instead of trying to get everyone and anyone to be your client. Carefully analyse your potential demographic. And the Psychographics. Then site down and rework your marketing strategy and message to suit a specific audience. Because not all women buy size 5 shoes. And certainly not everyone out there, is your target audience.
If you don't believe me, try buying a woman a size 13 shoe for a size 5 foot.
But duck quick, because that shoe will be headed straight for you!
Recommended Product: In the Brain Audit you will learn ‘Why creating profiles is way more important than ‘demographics'.