The Brain Audit Special Offer
Why Clients Buy (And Why They Don't)
Special Offer valid until 28 January 2024
Have you seen a customer back out of a deal at the very last minute?
(Have you seen your customer ready to sign up, and then mysteriously back away? Don't you feel like tearing your hair out when customers do that?)
When a sale falls apart, it's extremely frustrating!
And what's frustrating is the fact that you don't know at which point the sale fell apart. What you do know is that your product or service is really good for your customer. And that you've done everything to get them interested and ready to buy.
Yet despite being interested in what you're selling, they shift, fidget—and then inexplicably walk away. And a ‘sure sale' slips through your fingers forever! So what stops customers from buying? What stops them from moving ahead? What's really going on in your customer's brain?
And are you losing tons of business because you don't know how the customer's brain works?
Your customer's brain is a lot like the ‘conveyor belt' at the airport.
Have you ever waited for your bags at the airport? And would you leave the airport without taking all your bags off the conveyor belt? Even if there's just one bag missing, you get tense. You're not sure what to do.
Your customer's brain is a lot like that conveyor belt.
If you don't get those bags off the customer's brain, the bags go round and round. Even one bag left behind can stop the sale from going through. But how are you going to take the bags off if you don't even know what they look like?
Introducing The Brain Audit Special
The Brain Audit is a complete system that enables you to understand what's going on inside the brain of your customer. It's a system that is based on a deep understanding of how our mind works.
It shows you the bags inside your customer's brain. It gives you an understanding of how the brain responds to specific psychological triggers. And it speeds up the sales process, without the need to be pushy.
Being pushy is unnecessary
That's because pushiness creates an unnatural situation. The Brain Audit doesn't teach you how to use mind tricks. It's not a system of coercion. It doesn’t psyche the customer into buying against his or her will.
Instead it shows you how to attract the attention of a customer
It shows you how to keep that attention. It shows you where the attention wavers. And it takes you through a series of steps that we all take on a day-to-day basis when buying products or services.
And not only does it show you a step-by-step method, but it gives you a checklist that takes the ‘iffiness' factor out of your own marketing and communication.
So what's the ‘iffiness' factor?
On any given day, if you were to ask someone to critique your website, your presentation or your business cards, they’ll simply give you an opinion. And the opinion will vary from person to person. This variation leaves you confused.
You're not really sure if your marketing message is working at 20%, 55% or not working at all. And you suspect that you could vastly improve your results, if you had a clear set of guidelines and benchmarks.
With The Brain Audit, you’re going to have consistent results
The reason why you’ll get consistent results is because of three simple reasons:
Reason 1: The Brain Audit is built on a system. It's not random.
Reason 2: It isn't some magic trick. It follows the decision-making pattern that we use everyday.
Reason 3: You can spot the mistakes and fix them thereby improving attraction and conversion.
So what's in The Brain Audit? And how can it help you?
Here is just a tiny preview of what's in The Brain Audit.
How the Brain Goes Through Decision-Making: Do you often wonder what your customer is thinking? Don't leave the thought process to chance and let that customer walk away. Your customers don't want to walk away. They want to buy from you. So how does the brain make decisions? And what causes it to get confused?
Is the Brain a Conveyor Belt?: Does the brain actually process thoughts in a step-by-step manner? Would you believe it's not random at all? The Brain Audit is a tool that allows you to understand the predictability of a buying sequence. The moment you understand how the ‘conveyor belt' concept works, you'll see that your brain follows this sequence no matter what product or service you're buying.
The Hidden Trigger: This one factor will turn everything you've learned on its head. Readers have changed their business cards, their websites and their whole way of thinking once they learned the extreme power of this simple trigger. When you use this trigger, you activate the curiosity of the brain and get customers engaged. Customers start asking questions, and instead of shooing you away, invite you to tell them more.
The Futility of Solutions: Most of us believe that we should talk about benefits and solutions. And benefits and solutions work, but they fail miserably if they're placed out of the sequence. So where do you place your benefits? And why?
Getting the Customer’s Attention: The core of getting attention is to flag a customer down. But how are you going to do that if you don't even know what gets their attention in the first place? The Brain Audit not only shows you how to get their attention, but actually get a response. This response helps you go ahead with the sale.
Targeting and Testing: Easily the most important factor of marketing is targeting. But how do you target? How do you target when you've got multiple products and services? How do you target when you've got such a wide potential customer base? The Brain Audit shows you how. Ignore targeting and you get close to zero-response and polite smiles.
Case Studies: How to create a killer case study based on the brain. Here are several case studies that help you create a distinct marketing tool that you can use in any business you start up.
Uniqueness: You've probably heard about a USP several times before. How do you stop your brand from being a commodity? There's a comprehensive wealth of information within The Brain Audit that shows you how to go about defining your uniqueness in a step-by-step manner.
Is the Customer Ready To Buy?: Customers give you a clear indication when they're ready to buy. But we read the signals all wrong. Instead of anticipating and preparing for this moment, we make the mistake of getting defensive, and it drives the customer away. So what does the customer say? How do we know that the customer is ready? You'll be amazed that you've never realised this obvious buying signal before.
Attracting Ideal Customers: It's all very fine to attract customers, but how do you attract the customers you want? There's a simple way to attract the non-pesky customers. There's a simple way to attract customers from specific industries or locations. With this information you get the dream customers and the painful customers never show up at all.
The Risk Factor: One of the biggest reasons customers don't buy is the inherent risk. The risk of making a mistake; the risk of looking like a fool; the risk of wasting time, money and resources. Even when a customer is ready to buy the risk becomes an almost insurmountable wall. How do you reduce this risk to zero? And how do you explore the obvious as well as the hidden risks and get them out of the way?
The Next Step: You can get all the information in the world, but if you can't benchmark or audit it, the information becomes pretty useless. Think of The Brain Audit system as ‘brain analytics'. You can test and measure, but more importantly you can spot EXACTLY when you're doing something wrong—and fix it all by yourself.
Bo Burlingham
Inc. Magazine
“Sean makes the process of selling so simple, so logical, and so entertaining that you can't help wondering why everyone doesn't do it his way. Read this wonderful little book, and your only regret will be that you didn't discover it sooner.”
—Bo is also the author of ‘Small Giants: Companies That Choose To Be Great Instead of Big' and ‘The Knack: How Street-Smart Entrepreneurs Learn to Handle Whatever Comes Up'.
Michael Smyth
Auckland, New Zealand
“I have used the principles in writing Web Pages, writing articles, making presentations, networking, negotiating and even writing submissions for a judge! The Brain Audit actually works.”
“There are marketing books and there are marketing books – I bet there are not many you have read many times over? That's because very few in my experience change the very basis of how you think. At the end of the day marketing or sales is the art of persuasion. No matter what you do, we all use the art of persuasion everyday of our lives.
Whether we are persuading someone to buy our product, use our service, buy into a new idea, or in my case, decide a law suit in my client's favour.
The Brain Audit really teaches you the art of persuasion because it gives an insight into how people's brains work. I have used the principles in writing Web pages, writing articles, making presentations, networking, negotiating and even writing submissions for a judge!
But the best bit about The Brain Audit is that it actually works. The principles are easy to understand – applying them takes practice, but persevere and you will see results. I have virtually built a business on the principles in The Brain Audit and if you don't believe me take a look at
Would I recommend it to anyone who is serious about getting on in business? Absolutely.”
The Brain Audit is designed to do the following:
-Enables you to spot every one of the ‘seven bags' that are required to make a decision
-Present those bags to the customer in the right sequence
-Enables you to get the customer to buy without needing to use pressure tactics.
What’s Inside?
The Brain Audit uses a simple system to achieve the above
1) Structured explanation
2) Cartoon-based callouts
3) Checklists + downloadable checklists for future use.
4) Case Studies
5) Comprehensive summary
Structured explanations: Every chapter has very structured explanations. So each explanation builds on the previous one, and each chapter builds on the next. This leads to sequential assimilation of facts and details. And helps greatly when it comes to implementing the concepts for your web page, articles, presentations etc.
Cartoon-based callouts: There are exactly 99 cartoons in The Brain Audit. These cartoons play an important role in two areas. They provide visual relief as you read the contents, but more importantly the cartoons are a memory trigger. Each of the cartoons plays the role of a quick visual summary of the page.
Important points are visually summarised with cartoons and captions.
Checklists: There are checklists within the book. The checklists enable you to step through the sequence and make sure you don't miss anything out. Of course, you may want a series of checklists as you go through applying The Brain Audit across several media, so a downloadable version is included as well.
Case Studies: The case studies (taken from real businesses) show you how the message can be built up stage by stage. There are specific case studies that are followed as a thread right through every chapter. In addition to the case studies, there are also several other detailed examples.
Comprehensive textual summary: At the end of every chapter, there's a quick summary page. This isn't just a bunch of points, but rather about 8-10 paragraphs that encapsulate the entire learning. This enables you to refresh your knowledge of the chapter, and also provides a quick reference guide for the future.
Molly Gordon,
I wanted help, thinking about my marketing in a way that was respectful of my customers yet powerfully compelling
I was skeptical, but because several people I admire are fans of yours, I gave it a try. I love feeling that I am on the customer's side, not manipulating them but supporting them.
Using the principles of The Brain Audit, I wrote a sales page for my Authentic Wealth program. Not only did the program fill virtually over night (and a second section filled also), the people who applied were exactly the ones I wanted to serve. As a result, most of the people in the program are thrilled with the experience.
I have already recommended The Brain Audit to coaching clients. It's great to have a resource I can feel so good about sharing.
Why You Should Buy The Brain Audit
#1: Customer Conversion
Most people are focused on attraction. They drive visitors to a sales page, or entice them to get to a presentation, and despite the obvious numbers the conversion stays extremely low. The Brain Audit instantly boosts your conversion rate because it helps you construct your message that helps customers to buy.
#2: Give you the tools as well as confidence
The biggest problem of all is not knowing what you're doing right. And what you're doing wrong. The Brain Audit not only gives you the tools, but also gives you confidence to forge ahead.
#3: There's no risk
The Brain Audit is 100% guaranteed for a whole 30 days. Take your time to absorb the information. If you find the information isn't suitable, simply send us an email/call us and we'll be happy to refund your money with a smile (You don't have to fight to get your money back!)
And know that there are several thousands of customers who've bought and implemented The Brain Audit across different cultures, size of economies and in varying business conditions. So it's no flash in the pan 🙂
#4: It's not an online/offline/b2b/b2c issue. It's a brain to brain issue
Customers often ask if The Brain Audit can be used in their business. Some customers say they're offline businesses. Some say they're online businesses. Some say they have large volumes of business. Some say they have small volumes. The list goes on. B2B, B2C and lots of other variations.
What you need to know is that The Brain Audit has worked for professional services such as graphic design, lawyers, consultants etc. And it has also worked for products such as motorcyle ignitions, construction or selling beds. It has worked just as well on paper and brochures as it has worked online. And it's worked in countries such as Hungary, Germany, France, USA, Canada, India, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. And that's just a tiny list.
In fact we use the very same concepts and strategy outlined in the Brain Audit for the three arms of our very own business. And we do consulting, training and workshops, and we sell products.
What’s Unique About The Brain Audit?
The Brain Audit is not just an idea or concept. It's a system. And it gives you clear tools to implement the system. Besides it's an audit, remember? There are steps and no randomness. You can go back and check what you did correctly and where you went wrong.
But there's something else quite unique about The Brain Audit.
The Brain Audit has been around for many years and is unique because it has over 800 testimonials on the Psychotactics website and over 100 testimonials on Amazon. It's proof that The Brain Audit works, and works very well indeed. It's been read and tested in virtually every country you can think of. You'll find testimonials from readers in places such as the United States, UK, Australia, New Zealand etc., to countries where the first language may be Hungarian, German, French, Hindi or Italian.
Because it's brain-driven the concepts work across languages and cultures and even in small or big economies.
Dr. Richard Schieferdecker
Aachen, Germany
I was wondering if this book could be worth the money—as compared with printed books that usually cost less than half as much.
While reading The Brain Audit, I was very pleased to find very condensed information which was easy to implement. And best of all: no contradiction with all the books and articles I read on neuroscience and its contribution to understanding how psychology works.
No, I'm not a psychologist. I'm an engineer.
I used The Brain Audit on my website (which is only for German speaking people).
But more interesting is the use of especially the first three red bags in my consulting work, e.g. with start-up companies or during my work as a quality management representative and trainer. To see how the brains of people begins to work when they think about the questions, and to hear the quality of the answers is really amazing.
I recommend The Brain Audit to people to clarify the focus of their work, because it is an simple and sound step-by-step system, and easy to implement.
What you get with The Brain Audit Special Offer
Presenting The Brain Audit in PDF, ePub and Kindle format
As you'd expect, you can read this book on your device—any device. And it's nicely laid out, with the cartoons and captions appearing exactly like in the physical book. You'll enjoy this book, that's for sure.
This is Version 3.2 of The Brain Audit in ePub format as well as PDF. It means you can read it on your device as well as your computer.
Format: PDF + ePub + Kindle
Special Premium Bonus: How To Identify The Right Target Profile For Your Business
(Valued at $29)
This book will give you an instant understanding on:
- How You Can Get Target Audience Wrong
- How Target Profile Works
- Persona Vs Person
Format: PDF
The Brain Audit Special Offer (This special offer is valid until 3 September 2024)
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How To Identify The Right Target Audience For Your Business (Valued at $29) Format: PDF |
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P.S. If you have any questions that have been unanswered, please email me directly and let me know how I can help. I'd be interested in getting your feedback. The feedback that you give me, is strictly confidential. Don't forget to include your telephone number and a time to call you.