Have you wondered why you get Writer's Block? And what Writer's Block has to do with fire-drills and 800-pound gorillas?
Let's start with the fire-drill, shall we?
The reason why you had a fire-drill in school or at an office, isn't because the organisation likes making you run out of the building, and onto the street.
The biggest reason for fire-drills, is to know what to do in an emergency.
Because contrary to what you may believe, people don't actually run helter-skelter in an emergency. They sit there, transfixed, as if in a bad dream.
And in your business, emergencies pop up like 800-pound gorillas
Suddenly you have to write a report. Or create a presentation. Or even worse, write an engaging article.
And your brain panics. It freezes. And it has no memory of any fire-drill.
The brain goes into panic mode. It scans memory bank after memory bank for a memory of success.
On the contrary, it finds failure after failure
Why does it run into failure? And how do we overcome this failure? Listen to this short 7 minute audio, and you'll understand exactly what goes in the mind of a so-called ‘talented' person. Why that person is able to walk right past that 800-pound assignment, while you can only watch in terror.
Find out, by listening to the audio. 🙂 If you want to read a detailed article, email me.
(Note: You can also get a direct download from iTunes if you wish).
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