You've had the feeling of walking past a shop that's suddenly closed down, right?
You know there was this shop, and you know they sold something, but now that it's gone you're suddenly noticing it.
The same concept applies to testimonials—when they disappear.
You've seen the Psychotactics newsletter, haven't you?
And you've seen how we put in a few links to products for sale. But what you've probably not noticed, is that we run those links for a while, sometimes as often as two-four weeks. And after a while a blind spot sets in.
Clients scan those links and then move on. But the moment the testimonials on the links change, they get clicked on again, and the sales go up.
Sales soar, right?
Not exactly. They don't soar, but they definitely show a uptick. And what that tells you isn't that you shouldn't exactly give up on your product sales, if you're finding the sales dipping a bit. It's probably just that your clients have seen the same-same for much too long. Like the store on the street, they see it, but they don't.
And then when the testimonials suddenly disappear and different ones replace the old testimonials, they pay attention and click through.
And it's not just the jadedness that has caused them not to click, before…
You might think that it's just that the customers are jaded with the testimonials. Yes, that's a possibility, but pay close attention to the fact that when you put in a different testimonial, you also put in a different voice.
That “different” testimonial speaks in a different tone, and talks about different results about your product/service. The result may well be just what the customer is looking for at that point in time.
But flipping the testimonials also has a big benefit
There are some testimonials that work better than others—and they do so consistently. If you don't flip testimonials on a regular basis, you'll never know which are the winners and which ones are less effective. But even the winners have a limit.
You can run them for a while and then there's a drop. And at that point, you need to bring in newer, different testimonials.
At Psychotactics we have hundreds, even thousands of testimonials for our products
When The Brain Audit was first written, we had over 800 testimonials in the first couple of years itself. Since then over a decade has passed, and we still collect testimonials. So you could safely say we've got a few thousand in our archives.
But even for the newer products, we may have tens, or hundreds. Yet, like crazy stamp-collectors we still collect those testimonials. And there are two reasons why.
1) People feel good to give testimonials.
2) You not only feel good to receive the testimonials, but you can also flip them to test them.
It's easy to think that your sales are going down because no one wants your product/service
It's easy to believe that others are doing better than you, when in fact, it's just as easy for clients to get in a blind spot when it comes to your products or services. And yes, over time, keep your winning testimonials together and flip them after a few weeks.
It doesn't take a lot of monitoring and yet it brings results.
So flip away.
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