Storytelling seems to be the rage these days. And yet, it's not new at all. It's been around for thousands of years.
What's more, it's not even alien to us.
Even as a three-year old, you can tell when a story is really cool and when it's just plain boring.
The problem arises when we have to take this storytelling skills to our articles. The moment we have to write an article, we freeze up. The article gets riddled with facts and figures. Or sequences. Or whatever. But we know instinctively that the power of the story is missing.
But it's not just the story that's important.
It's a story well-told.
A well-told story is like a well-told joke. It has zing. And kapow! So what are the elements of a well-told story? Why have they been playing hide and seek with us for so long?
Find out right here in this three-part series on Storytelling!
You'll love it. It's full of cartoons, precise advice–and yes, thezing! That's what you'll learn: how to create the zing.
It's an introductory price. So have a look right away.
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