Sean. This page will be made into a category page. From the dropdown menu.
8) How To Commit Brand Suicide There are lots of ways companies kill their brand names. It's easy. We'll show you how in this article on… How to brand your product.
9) Why Santa's Marketing Works Better Than Yours… Santa Claus Inc. is well and profitable, right through recessions, depressions and just about any economic scenario. The reason why his marketing works better than yours is that he uses solid, dyed-in-the-wool psychology. You can too. Find out whatmarketing strategies he uses…
10) Never Trust A Silent CustomerIf you want to learn how to keep your customers, you've first got to keep them noisy. Here's how you can make these complaining clients one of your biggest assets.
11) Why Twins Have The Same Surname (And Different First Names)Unlike parents, who know this instinctively, businesses often end up giving the same name to multiple (and widely differing) products without realizing the negative impact on the brand. Why Brand Extension is a waste of time.
12) Are You Operating Without An Audio Logo? Surely not! Here's the key to getting people all excited about your product or service. You control the conversation with an audio logo. Go on, get it in your armoury!
13) How To Get Repeat Visitors To Your Website Ok, so you've got someone to visit your website once. What if you wanted them to visit again, and again, and again? Ooh, that's hard, isn't it? Not really. Find out how to attract clients back without begging.
14) Tired Of Silly Old Email Enquiries? Say Hello To Autoresponders!
If there's one thing that drives us all crazy, it's not having enough hours in the day. You need the hours to work out your marketing, your sales, your budget, follow up on invoices and god knows what else. How can autoresponders help your business?
15) So What If You Don't Have a Website? Gasp! Choke! Gag! That’s how people react when you tell them your business does not have a website. So do you really need one? This article attempts to show you how you can use the internet (and websites) to maximise your business potential using simple internet marketing strategies.