Internet Marketing Strategies
Internet marketing strategies may seem to be too hype-driven. Yes, there's always a way to avoid the hype using psychology and letting clients buy, instead of forcing marketing messages down their throat. Find out how to do just that.
How to use procrastination to your advantage
Procrastination is bad, right? Well, not quite. Most projects have five distinct sections that need a form of managed procrastination. How do you go about this form of procrastination? And why is it seemingly better to keep you focused?
How To Sell A Product When There’s No Scarcity Factor
So much effort goes into the launch of a product, but what happens next? How do you handle the calm after the launch? How do you keep selling products on an ongoing basis? These are the questions we tackle in this article as we get rid of the “post-launch” blues.
Why A Crappy Name Will Bury Your Book/Infoproduct (Yes, Even On The Internet)
It's not enough to just write a great book—you can kill your book with a lousy name.So how do you name your books? The simple answer is to make it curious. And how do you make it curious using the power of the title and the sub-title?
Why Santa’s Marketing Works Better Than Yours!
Santa Claus Inc. is well and profitable, right through recessions, depressions and just about any economic scenario. The reason why his marketing strategies work better than yours, is because he uses solid, dyed-in-the-wool psychology. He knows he doesn't have to use new fangled techniques, when his simple marketing has stood the test of time.
How to Turn an Email Marketing Disaster Into Profit
Have you had an email fiasco where everything went totally bananas?
Things you never meant to happen, happened. And you felt like hiding in some deep, dark cave, where no one could find you. Keep reading, because if this ever happens to you, you'll know how to avert a public relations fiasco.