I want to tell you that I really appreciate the way you run your network marketing. I've been on your list for several years, I've bought a few things, I've participated in a few things and have participated in feedback ;).
You are one of the VERY few I've kept and I'm going to tell you why:
You haven't been afraid to share your talents with your audience first. You have GIVEN many things away that have helped many people. I have been helped by some of your freebies. Because I was helped and inspired by these, I was willing to invest money in further products. And, I wasn't disappointed. I wasn't disappointed because I learned exactly what I wanted to learn and I DIDN'T HAVE TO BUY MORE TO GET WHAT I WANTED. That's rare in your industry.
I used to work for one of the biggest network marketers here in the US as his strategist and salesperson. He's good at what he does, but his products are built so that you have to keep buying to really achieve what you want. It's sad because he's really good at what he does, and knows a lot and could really be helping a lot of people. Unfortunately, people become exhausted mentally and financially before they're ever able to achieve the big picture. I learned a lot from him – he's really good and KNOWS the industry, but he didn't really give anyone anything. Even though he was honest, people were taking a chance every time they bought something because he had never really proven the value in his products by letting them EXPERIENCE their worth.
So anyway, thank you for doing things the way you do. I've kind of taken a break from coaching, but if and when I go back, I certainly have the tools for writing up some great articles again. 🙂