Why Clients Buy
(And Why They Don't)

Are you losing customers because you don't know how the brain works?
Do you really understand how the marketing brain works? Are you harnessing its immense potential to make your business generate greater revenues? Why do customers seem keen to buy, but then back away at the last minute? You can change your business or marketing tactics—and possibly your strategy—so that customers not only engage with you, but want to buy your products and services.
The key to successful selling isn’t pressure and hard-sell. Instead, it’s understanding the sequence the brain follows. When you present your information in the right sequence, the client doesn’t back away. Instead they get interested, ask questions, want to know more—and then they buy. Yet, without a clear understanding of how the brain works, we often let customers slip away.
So how do we move ahead? Do we use some weird psychological tactics or mumbo jumbo marketing ideas? How do we get customers to move forward in the buying process ethically—and without high pressure?

It's easy to get into a bit of a soup when you run into marketing strategies and tactics. However, marketing is really information presented in a sequence. Once you present the information in that sequence, the client buys, instead of you having to sell.
Psychotactics unravels an age-old mystery
Our brains are hardwired with information which hasn’t changed in tens of thousands of years. When faced with specific triggers, we all tend to react quite predictably.
Imagine being able to use this age-old psychology in your small business marketing. It’s so simple, that you'll wonder just how you managed without this understanding of the human psyche for so long.
So come with us on this wild and whacky adventure into the world of marketing. Instead of some boring, tedious marketing theory, we'll have a rollicking time learning about customer behaviour. Within the pages of this website, you'll get audio, video, reports and a ton of goodies, absolutely free.
Auckland, New Zealand
We live in amazing Auckland, New Zealand. And that’s the view we get every day when we go for a walk to the beach. Auckland is half-country, half-city and it's a wonderful place to work and live in. We weren't born here; this city chose us, and we love the quiet, the food, the incredible coffee—and even the rain!
Go on, grab yourself a strong coffee, and something to eat.
You’re going to be on this site for a long, long time, so you might as well get comfortable. I suggest you explore the various sections of this site, and only then, sign up for the Psychotactics newsletter.
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Psychological Strategies
Marketing Strategies
Article Writing Strategies
Internet Marketing Strategies
Copywriting Strategies
Starting A Business Strategies
P.S. Notice there are no pop-ups nudging you to sign up. I know you get more subscribers with pop-ups, but I detest pop-ups. I suspect you're the same. Make sure this information is right for you before signing up. Once you decide to sign up, you'll find a sign-up link at the footer of every page on the site.
P.P.S. You may find words on the site that seem to be spelled differently if you’re used to an Americanised-version of English. You’d find words such as colour, honour, favour, realise—which you’d spell as color, honor, favor and realize.’
It’s just that this is a New Zealand based site, and I grew up with the British system of spelling, which is a little different. Well, vive la difference. If you still think it’s a mistake, please don’t hesitate to email me using the link at the bottom of every page. No mistake is too small or too big to fix. In fact, you may get an amazing cartoon postcard.
Note: The postcard is so cool, that clients have started up a collection.
Happy hunting!
Sean D'Souza