You remember when you signed up to the Free Brain Alchemy Masterclass, we said we'd nudge you. The nudge was so you could tell us how it's helped you—and possibly how you're implementing the Masterclass.
And yes, if you've got any results. Of course we get the warm fuzzies when reading your experience, but it's not for the warm fuzzies alone. Others reading your note will also get huge value out of your experience, so please do let us all know how it's helped you.
Even if it's just given you some insight, or added confidence, please do post your experience here.
And don't be shy. We like detailed stories 😉
The Masterclass could not have arrived at a better time. I was in the process of ramping down one business and starting a different one more in line with my interests, and I didn’t want to make the same mistakes we had made with the other business.
I will be using Sean’s 3-prong system as the basis for my new business. For me, the single most important idea from the Masterclass comes down to this: create something once and find as many ways as possible to sell it or to help you sell follow-on products. Being a habitual perfectionist, Sean’s advice to start small (“version 3.1”) and keep improving from there was also very helpful.
I was struck by how many already-successful businesspeople were in the class. For whatever reason, I had this concept that only people who are struggling would take a class like this. Instead I heard people talking about how their business was doing well and this class was just helping them take it to the next level.
As I listen to the recordings a second and third time, I find myself becoming jealous of the people in the class. Why? Because even though Sean was gracious enough to record the class sessions, I wasn’t privy to the conversations during the breaks, over lunch, in the evenings, etc. I wanted to be a part of the group to learn from motivated business folks like this — to pick their brains outside of the constraints of the topic at hand. Since I couldn’t transport myself back in time and space to join the class, I did the next best thing: I joined 5000bc.
My business is officially only 2 weeks old so I don’t have many results to share yet, but I’m sharing the concepts of the Masterclass with other businesspeople I meet, and I’m invariably getting comments along the line of, “Wow, you’ve got some great ideas. I hadn’t thought about it that way.” I see this as a building block to creating those trusted relationships that will one day lead to sales and referrals.
The most fascinating benefit of the Brain Alchemy Masterclass for me was finding out how much I already knew. I was already working towards greater levels of training and leverage in my business.
However, there was a more than equal amount of information in the course that was new to me or that tied concepts together in a way that really made the light switch on for me.
I have been through all the lessons once, and I’m now going through them again (and will again, and again).
One step I knew I wanted to take after going through the Masterclass was to join 5000bc, which I have just now done before writing this.
I’m already working some of these ideas into my business, but I already was doing that before, because some of this material I already knew. So I will be able to give a better idea of how this is really going to benefit my business in about three months, after the projects I’m working on take off.
I was delighted to listen to the Brain Alchemy Masterclass. I have a hobby website that I want to make money from. I have only a few hours a week to work on it so it will take some time to implement tyhe ideas I found in the Brain Alchemy Masterclass, but I certainly have a map set in front of me now. And I realize that I have to really develop the brain audit auditting skills so I can really maximize the Brain Alchemy Masterclass learnings.
I want to thank you very much for your kind help and inspiration!
I’m actually about 25% through the audio lessons and
whilst a lot of what is covered is to do with the Brain Audit it’s good to hear these key points again as they are vital to get right.
I think the biggest thing I’ve picked up on so far is
to record everything, it’s something that I used to do
religiously when I ran a bricks and mortar business,
noted every phone call and it sure came in handy when
suppliers had a temporary bout of amnesia or a minor dispute needed to be resolved.
Somehow I had got out of the habit, for example
recently I bought Camtasia so I could start adding
videos to my website. So I made my first video didn’t
note down the process thoroughly and then two weeks
later when I needed to make another video I find myself
wasting several hours as a consequence.
Damn stupid, lesson learned. From now on I’m noting down all new processes as I do them and creating mind maps because it will save a ton of time next time I have to do it even if it takes a little longer to create the mind map initially.
I’m looking forward to the next stage of Brain Alchemy
I’m sure I will get a lot from it and it will certainly be necessary to listen to key parts several times, thanks for a great course.
I’m realising I’m clueless about leveraging. Send in the sub-titles!
I loved the part about profiting by mistakes. There are so many other places in life where this is a useful way to look at what’s going on.
And bundling. It’s still a bit of a mystery. When I crack it I’m sure I’ll be thinking more like an owner.
The value of the Brain Alchemy Masterclass is over the top for sure. I’ve been to a million conferences, and I’ll tell you the whole time I listened to the audio version, I wished I was there.
The concepts that stick out in my mind right now as the most valuable are sequential selling, leverage and triggers. The value of coming up with a unique selling proposition that communicates unique value and triggers interest in your customers is huge. Additionally, failing to introduce leverage and then a sequential selling system into your business means you’re doing almost all the work but failing to capture a very significant amount of revenue.
The concepts covered in the Masterclass are not new. They’re old, which makes them proven and infinitely more valuable. My experience is that most professionals and business owners get hung up on the basics. Not highly technical, lofty stuff. It always seems to be business fundamentals that get skipped over. In new businesses, it’s often out of ignorance. In established businesses, it’s often out of laziness or arrogance. But it’s still the fundamentals. Address the fundamentals, and you will fix the problem. Address the fundamentals, and you will remove any roadblocks to growth.
Anyone who’s serious about surviving in business in a tough economy or who wants to take their operation to the next level, I encourage them to pay attention to basically everything Sean D’Souza has to say. The man knows his stuff 🙂
Sean warned me (and everyone else) that this information would be frustrating because it would mean changing a lot of my stuff.
He was right!
And so far I have not tackled the big tasks. I have however rethought the whole business model we have been using and what I have learned from Sean has put things into perspective for me. That is why it is a big task – changing the business model.
That said, I have already used the ideas so as to help me with my newsletters. Nudging the content so as to make it more compelling was actually pretty easy.
Other ideas I will be using soon because they involve re-using what I have done already – packaging content up to add value is fairly quick to do. It is also an affirmation that we have created some really valuable stuff and deserve to get adequately rewarded for it.
If you are prepared to accept that new ideas will mean work to apply to your business then I can highly recommend this.
I was there in LA for the live course, which was fantastic.
I then drove up the Pacific coastline, stopping in coffee shops
to study the manual and my notes, and to make
implementation plans.
When I got to the Bay Area, I went to work on my plans. I
was able to implement several ideas… But, as often happens,
life gets in the way of the best intentions…
Wow, it’s great to rehear and review the entire course (sans
private meetings) and get realigned on developing my 3-prong
The Brain Audit Masterclass, combined with 5000BC and the
Website Masterclass, provide a complete and powerful
business-lifestyle for freedom to “follow the summer.”
I haven’t had time to implement a lot of the ideas yet, but I have a plan, I have started implementing, and I have started seeing progress.
The best thing about the Master Class is that it has opened my mind to the big picture of how all my efforts fit together. Although there is a lot for me to do, I finally feel like I have a handle on the higher concepts.
It’s very exciting and I am looking forward to going through the lessons again. I’ve only had time for one time through quickly.
The Master Class has given me information that I am able to use toward the business I am thinking about starting. I have “dabbled” in various home businesses but have finally made the decision to really buckle down and learn how to make the business work the right way. The information in the Master Class has given me things to think about when planning what products/services to offer. I especially like the way Sean said that the purpose of a business is to guide, educate and protect. This gives me more of an idea as to how to plan my business to fulfill this purpose.
Thanks for sharing these great insights with us….
I am late with this comment, as the Masterclass arrived earlier than expected and then my main computer crashed and I waited with the download until I got it back. I was right to treat this download as a treasure!
Wow! What an experience! Almost as if you had been there! Plop! Plop! Do you hear my eyes opening all the time?
The Masterclass came just iin time, as I am about to make my first own sales website fo rmy very first E-book. Now, it will take a little longer, as I am first recording the content of the book (had to figure out how this works to get good quality) to be able to offer two prices: the E-book alone AND the e-book plus the recordings.
There is a huge amount of knowledge bundled into this Brain Alchemy Masterclass, my brain gates just cannot take all of this knowledge in one time.
I will have to rehear or reread it a couple of times and I am sure that I will pick one or two important findings EACH TIME and apply them in my personal business.
Just one example: Next summer, l am invited to the yearly convention of one of my copywriting clients as a guest speaker . Now I will offer him a little discount and get permission to record my 4 hours of speech – and I have a product! That’s leverage!
It is not hyperbole to qualify the Masterclass as life changing. I am sure of that.
PS: Just one hint: I heard most of it on my mp3-playe (Trekstor Beat Joy 2.0). Although the display is not so tiny, the names of the lessons were perhaps too long? Because all it displayed was “Brain Alchemy Masterclass”, each and every time. It was very confusing. When I think about it, this is funny as the single files are named Brain Alchemy 1 , Brain Alchemy 2 etc. I tried to rename the lessons on my hard disk, but it would not let me. For future users it could be helpful, if you could name them 1_Brain Alchemy, 2_BrainAlchemy or allow renaming.